Mistaken Identity

Koschei 140

This deck is meant to flatline the runner, but it also has the tools to score out agendas by themselves.

Card choices

Show of Force - One of the pieces used to flatline the runner. If you have Jeeves, you can leave it unadvanced. If Jeeves isn’t on the table you can advance it twice, making sure it’s protected.

Luminal Transubstantiation - Another agenda that can be used to flatline. If you have Neurospikes in hand this agenda is great because of the extra 3 clicks!

Neurospike - Does its job well in multiples, especially if the opponent is running I’ve Had worse or Aniccam.

Jeeves - Enables the flatline with Show of Force (Or GFI if you have the chance).

Possible changes - Swapping out the third Show of Force for a third Vitruvius is totally doable. I prefer the extra opportunity to flatline over the added recursion but I don’t see anything wrong with either choice.

Overadvancing a Vitruvius can make it so you only need 1 Neurospike in hand for the flatline, so try to make that happen if possible. Using Seamless Launch isn’t necessarily a bad idea, as Spin Doctor can give you those cards back in the deck. Fully Operational should be used as much as possible, ideally with 3 or more triggers. Fast and rich runners can run you down pretty quickly if you don’t pressure them, so keep jamming!

Hand choices - Take Rashida and ice as much as you can; ideally 2 or more ice. Getting a Nico or Marilyn is also good. Keep an eye out for Jeeves as well since trashing it is a big setback for the runner.

Happy hunting!

2 May 2021 Baa Ram Wu

How do you flatline from an un advanced Show of force with Jeeves? The only method I could think of is double seamless, doubles neurospike, which seems pretty unlikely as a 5 card combo.

Am I missing somthing?

2 May 2021 Koschei

@Baa Ram Wu In my games I have been able to get at least one Vitruvius counter in most of my games, which greatly reduces the difficulty of getting all the necessary cards for the combo.

As far as actually obtaining the cards, I dig very aggressively with drawing. Sprint, Fully Operational, Rashida Jaheem, Spin Doctor, and Nico Campaign (if it makes it that far).

Disclaimer: I’m not a highly skilled player and it’s very likely that the deck is flawed, but dang it I think it’s fun to play :P

2 May 2021 Koschei

@Baa Ram Wu In my games I have been able to get at least one Vitruvius counter most of the time, which greatly reduces the difficulty of getting all the necessary cards for the combo.

As far as actually obtaining the cards, I dig very aggressively with drawing. Sprint, Fully Operational, Rashida Jaheem, Spin Doctor, and Nico Campaign (if it makes it that far).

Disclaimer: I’m not a highly skilled player and it’s very likely that the deck is flawed, but dang it I think it’s fun to play :P