Yes! We Have No Agendas 2.0

corcovado 88

As some have noted, NBN is BaNaNas. Well, at least their agendas are bananas. In the spirit of fairness, I've included this instructional video which should give the runner a good idea of how to steal a banana from NBN, and what the runner can anticipate NBN's response might be to said thievery. (lesson begins at 0:45)

There's a server on our street

It's run by a geek

And he's very tough to beat...

But you should hear him speak!

When you ask him anything, he never answers "no"

He just "yes"es you to death,

and as he takes your creds he tells you

"Yes, we have no agendas

We have-a no agendas today

We have Junebugs and Shocks

Destroyers, and blocks,

And all sorts of Snares and say

We have an old fashioned Ha-DRY-on

A New Angeles Bas-TIE-on,

But yes, we have no agendas,

We have no agendas today!

Business got so good for him that he wrote home today,

"Send me Jackson and Liz and Thomas; I need help right away"

When he got them in the server, there was fun, you bet

Someone asked for "Priority Req.", and then the whole quartet

All answered "Yes, we have no agendas,

We have-a no agendas today

Just try those Ice Walls and Statics

Paper, Curtain, Thorn-o-matics

There ain't many Walls like they

Is that an Edge of World or a Red Herring?

Runner, are you feeling daring?

Yes! we have no agendas,

We have no agendas today"