Queen of Noms

roadtoad 26

Eat all the ice. Use Deja Vu and Same Old Thing to eat even more ice. Once the ice is out of the way, you can access just fine. Mythic Ice currently cannot be eaten, but that's fine. We have Keyhole, Hemorrhage, and Wanton Destruction to get at cards without accessing.

Test Run is to get your one-ofs or to get that Eater. Playing it over SMC for easier Injecting.

Corroder is here for Wraparound. Mimic is here for Swordsman. They're fairly disposable. Install them to deal with the problem, eat the problem, overwrite with whatever you need.

13 Jan 2015 CapAp

You can't eat Mythic ice, but your Parasites can. and I can't imagine why you don't have them in here.

13 Jan 2015 roadtoad

At first, I was building with Parasites and Datasuckers and Memstrips, but I felt like it left me short of money and card draw to deal with stuff the money and card draw were already dealing with (except in the case of a Mother Goddess or Excalibur). I'll try out a build that way, too, though.

13 Jan 2015 CapAp

Datasucker tokens are as good as credits when paying for Eater, so it seems like it should definitely be in here.