Evil Tag Tower 5th MayMT

sebastiank 2116

Put the eavesdrop on the tributary.

Props to coldlava for theorycrafting most of this. Ice needs tweaking. Pop-Up didn't impress, the thought was to have as much ice as possible to have a guaranteed trib install, but having a bit more money to afford a real ice would have been better. Maybe some more tag punishment too. In any case, those starlits gotta be placed on hq and rnd to prevent the runner getting away with just eating all the eavesdrop tags. Passing the torch/moving the trib to the actual glacier players now.

4 May 2024 maninthemoon

Fun :)

4 May 2024 HaverOfFun

I humbly accept the gift of the Tributary

5 May 2024 coldlava

Oh wow I missed that you played this, nice!