Come And Get Me

Genevaman616 74

This deck focuses around keeping the Corp too poor to do anything of consequence. Recurring Account Siphons, Vamp, Rook and Xanadu all serve to make sure the Corp never has enough money to rez any decent ice or take advantage of the Runner's tagged status.

Viruses are used to kill any ice that makes it through the cash denial with Parasite and Datasucker. Knight and Femme Fatale allow the deck to ignore high strength rezzed ice that would otherwise take too long to kill.

RnD is the deck's chief target with detours to HQ for Account Siphons. Medium allows for a healthy dig and data reversal makes trashing undesirables easy.

7 Nov 2014 Linke87

Last influence is wide open for a token Hades Shard. Switch to DLR if you get locked out.