Mind Over The Gutter

Trizzy613 142

This deck was derived from my experimentation with a "Grappling Hook" Reina deck that didn't quite meet my expectations so I swapped them for Scavenges to maximize on the efficiency of Overmind.

e3 Feedback Implants is quite taxing on influence but it definitely helps to prolong the efficiency of both Knight and Overmind.

Scavenge proved to be very useful to sustain Overmind counters hence why in this scenario it's more useful than Clone Chips and it's another cheap way to swap Caissas and Parasites since most of my other MVP programs cost 2.

The rest is just your typical parasite recursion/taxing deck with the option to RnD lock with medium.

6 Jun 2014 Myriad

This could work. Scavenge is great on Overmind. Crescentus/Stimhack seem a good combo as well for really big ice and might be worth an include.

Of course, this deck does lack teeth on HQ and in the meta right now, I feel like HQ Pressure is very important against NBN and HB. Nerve Agent or Legwork would be worthy additions.

6 Jun 2014 Myriad

This could work. Scavenge is great on Overmind. Crescentus/Stimhack seem a good combo as well for really big ice and might be worth an include.

Of course, this deck does lack teeth on HQ and in the meta right now, I feel like HQ Pressure is very important against NBN and HB. Nerve Agent or Legwork would be worthy additions.

7 Jun 2014 Trizzy613

@Myriad you're right. I've been busy using my Ken build recently but in hindsight I'd add at least one Nerve Agent instead of 2 Mediums and splash in a Djinn or 2 to tutor them and save on MU. Good feedback