Andromeda Remote Control v1

A1win 63

Lock down remotes by the use of a big bank, Stimhacks, and The Source. Harass central servers with Account Siphons and The Maker's Eyes. Run little but effectively. Meanwhile, draw cards, install Public Sympathies, and amass as much credits as possible. Use New Angeles City Hall to make Account Siphon more efficient and to avoid tags that would bust your economy.

If not playing against Fast Advance, only install The Source after the Corp installs a potential agenda and you can be certain to actually access it on the next turn, in case the Corp decides to advance it. The point of The Source is not to delay scoring, but to slow down advancing and prevent the agenda from being scored altogether by stealing it just before the Corp is able to score it.

Use Hostages to fetch Kati Jones and Mr. Li. After those two are installed, you can use Hostage to fetch The Source, if necessary, although often it isn't. Once you have vital resources installed, never end your turn with a tag.
30 Oct 2013 Nyarlathothep

Hi...I like the concept of the deck...but I have one question: if you play against HB/NBN fast advance, how can you menage Biotic Labor or an AstroScript Pilot Program already scored? In this case you don't have the time to play The Source if you want to play it just when the Corp puts in play a card in a remote :( so, in this case, what is your strategy? :)

30 Oct 2013 A1win

Against Fast Advance, you just install The Source before they drop the agenda, which forces them to Never Advance mode. FA generally doesn't have a lot of ice so it's a lot easier to go check the blank cards that they install. Infiltration is also your friend.

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