Eliza Cassan, Reporting to you Live from Picus

StashAugustine 63

Pretty standard NEH deck, leans more on ice than most so it can be sure to get some up quickly and throw down a couple tollbooths late game. DRT is a real star when it's alive- Data Raven will mess you up, Gutenberg is really taxing, TGTBT protects itself, Account Siphon is unplayable, Snare can almost flatline you. Downside is smart and rich runners will often try to trash them- Encryption Protocol taxes them, Elis and Popups can slow them, Interns can recur the DRTs but eventually you'll run out. Of course by then you should have bought enough time that you can score out the last agenda or two with Astro tokens or behind a Tollbooth. My first store tournament is coming up and I'll change it up a little based on how that goes.