Stealth Kit RAM #1

Cliquil 1226

I think this list is fairly self explanatory overall. If I were to critique it I'd say I should have dropped the Marron & Direct Access for another Trickster Taka - I was quite fortunate that Taka never came late in the tournament but had it done so I would have missed it terrible. The added slot could be another Khusyuk.

With perfect knowledge I know that in the end I never used the Levy either and possibly I'd have been better off without it, but I saw PU was in the field and thought I'd need it.

Also Direct Access also turns off my ID

In the end it won 2 and lost 2. One of its losses could have turned into a win without too much creative imagination as it needed me to whiff on a 4 card Khusyuk and required that I'd not managed to balance the codegate breakers such that a Yagura was able to stop an SSL steal.

In the other game I was just rushed and never really looked like keeping up with a Jinteki 3/2 heavy deck. Its possible I should have been more aggressive in my challenges, I think I'd lacked early burst econ or stealth in that game but I am not sure I can convincingly imagine a version of that game I win.