The Fortress (1st, 2nd and 4th at Sydney Store Champs)

Vicarin 132

A non-prison RP deck that I've stuck with for a while. I took this to the Hurstville, Town Hall, and Burwood Store championships (with 11, 10 and 6 people, wish they were larger!) and came 4th, 2nd and 1st respectively. It lost all 6 games it had against Whizzard in the first 2 tournaments (4 against the same person, who came first in Town Hall) and won all of the other 8 games against other IDs.

If your meta doesn't have anyone playing Whizzard with Employee Strike and Slums, this could easily make them want to. Just install tons of money assets to gain lots, protect Sundews with some ice, get Hostile Infrastructures going with The News Now Hour and Sandburg out to stop the runner from doing any shenanigans, and sometimes randomly win because the runner doesn't respect Blacklist.


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