Adam is a tier 1.5 deck

swan 580

It's the closing hours before you have to submit decks for worlds this weekend. Why not play Adam? If I hadn't played it last year (this is my third world's so it's Sunny's turn) I'd be playing this deck this Saturday, free draws and turn 0 HQI are sick, and FtT is a very good enabler for Mad Dash! Plus with it being on jnet you don't even need to worry about game losing yourself with your draws.

Embrace tradeoffs, play Adam Join the comradery in #adamlounge

18 Nov 2021 ValkyriezGaming

I'd agree. If I wasn't already on a different list for Worlds I'd be looking at Adam, in fact I wish I put some time in to evaluate it from the banlist update. Turn 0 HQI and FTT are great.