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ID10T/PEBKAC/PICNIC error v1.5
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HepatitvsJ 244

This deck is meant to use cheap ICE and the threat of Grail ICE to slow down the runner until you can get an ITD down and start loading it. Load it with 3 counters, if the runner tries to kill it, protect it and reload until the runner gives up or starts going elsewhere. Ocnce you have 6+ counters on ITD you should be able to keep the runner out of you scoring remote and make central runs painfully expensive.

Archer fueled by domestic sleepers are a threat from start to finish and ITD can help ensure Architect goes off more than once. Excalibur helps stop the runner from multiple runs and should go over the server the runner will target most. HQ for Gabe, R+D for shapers, Remote if the runner is aggressive about trashing ITD. If they can't break excalibur when trashing ITD it means they can't run your scoring remote. Successful demonstration because ITD will help block runs. Chronos protocol because I'm DYING to see the look on my opponenets faces in my shaper/anarch heavy meta.

28 Jan 2015 x3r0h0ur

Pebkac, also you left out the ever important PICNIC

28 Jan 2015 HepatitvsJ

ah. problem exists between keyboard and chair not problem exists between chair and computer. I'll edit my copy. thanks. lol

28 Jan 2015 Totakeke

Putting aside that I think ITD is quite tedious to play in Foundry and I've tried it quite a bit, I'd go with 3x Merlin rather than 3x Lancelot. 3x Merlin can flatline a player and that is both a valuable win condition or threat. I don't think you'll be using Successful Demonstration much either (based on my own experience) and Melange Mining Corp is questionable given that you'll basically reveal your ice that will be protecting your ITD by asking them to run that server. I've other comments but those are the main ones and good luck making this work.

28 Jan 2015 HepatitvsJ

Thanks. I haven't playtested this yet. I never get to play except at tournaments. I wish I did play more often. I tend to place top 6 or higher in 20+ player tournaments so I wonder how I would do if I actually playtested. lol I was debating the Merlin and you're right. the extra threat from flatline is needed more. I'm reworking this now and I'll have a new version up soon. Thanks.

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