The Bird's the Word

ABushelOfGoats 34

The bird lady didn't drop a single game at a 19 person SC. Alas, ETF hemorrhaged agendas to keep me out of the top four by virtue of extended strength of schedule.

It's a bit expensive and awkward to set up at times, but red cards are good (especially with blue and green cards) so ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Outside of that, Vigil didn't see any play as Faust and Medium managed to pull the heavy lifting without much support. And the gasoline was unnecessary with the amount of draw.

Tactical runs are the name of the game. Melting ice is good too, stacked multi access is even better.

27 Feb 2016 piszczel

Woohoo, another generic Faust/Wyldside deck. Why even bother posting stuff like this? There's a billion copies of this out there already.

27 Feb 2016 tradet

@piszczel why even bother commenting? It adds no value whatsoever (arguably negative value). Just ignore decklists you don't like.

27 Feb 2016 ABushelOfGoats

@piszczel because I built it and played it and liked it and did well with it and I'm sorry to have offended your sensibilities ¯_(ツ)_/¯

27 Feb 2016 piszczel

@tradet I've commented because I'm browsing new decks in the sidebar and you just see the same stuff over and over again.

27 Feb 2016 ABushelOfGoats

@piszczel I'm v sry ur offended pls forgive

28 Feb 2016 IceRay42


Ugh another comment pissing and moaning about Faust and Wyldside. Why even bother posting stuff like this? There's billions of comments like this out there.

28 Feb 2016 aloofstone

@piszczel While you may be correct that it does contain the cards Faust /Wyldside you clearly do not understand the importance of this variant on the 'standard' deck. Now you may have noticed that I put standard in the little apostrophe marks, well there is good reason for that. Each card in a Netrunner deck must be chose for a reason. If Goats here is playing in SC that means that they are likely trying to win them and as such require a deck that is good for the game. working on the decision of weather to have 1 knifed or 2 add Vigil or go with Turntable, and the very fact that this is the barrier breaking bird are all critical choices that a deck builder must consider to diversify themselves in a meta where people will be expecting a so called 'standard' Faust/wyldside. Of course to go into the detail of why each card choice matters so importantly would clearly be wasted as you don't understand that as a card game each card matters. Please refrain from attacking peoples decks for no other reason than you don't like them and think you've seen them before.

@ABushelOfGoats I am wondering how reliable the 1 of e3 and datasucker are in games? does it come out fast enough or do you just hit the Faust wagon and ride it all the way home?

28 Feb 2016 ABushelOfGoats

@aloofstone Wyldcakes helps me find E3, and while I'm thinking about it, Datasucker wasn't used at all either. Although it feels weird not running one in red, I may cut it for... Something.

As for reliability, E3 is just to supplement Faust and the Bird mid to late game against glacier. Also many keks were had when I tapped the bird and spent a dollar to blow up Eli.

28 Feb 2016 sproutella

Another 3x sure gamble deck? Come on where's your creativity?

28 Feb 2016 ABushelOfGoats

@sproutella sure gamble is a crutch