Los Opus [PostEdits]

gumonshoe 2987

Peace for a bit more money, gives you a chance. Supplier to ease the burdens of installs. Up to 3x Sahasrara. All in on drug dealer to speed the deck up.

This is still too slow, but it's better at what it does now. Once you get going every action nets you 2 credits. Ice rez: 2 creds. Ice derez: 2 creds. Run: 2-3 creds * number of unrezzed ice.

Corps are too rich these days, so ultimately you're playing an econ battle you can't win. Especially when the ice you're encountering costs 1 or 0 creds. Doesn't have enough game vs FA; and it's now missing any tools to survive an encounter with a damage deck. But it's better at beating glacier?

If you face any corp that decided to run a light econ game and they can't out rush you you'll win. So basically, you're golden against bad decks.

I'm trying another version of this out of Reina, where you pressure early with lamprey and just hate on the ice with silverware. It has speed issues because the disruption package takes up too much space to be effective. But, it's nice to have options I guess.

You'd think with the number pieces that this would be better out of shaper. But the truth is that shaper doesn't have the disruption to make a deck like this work. Once the ice is rezzed GPI Net Tap's power is reduced severely and you run out of econ if it's part of your gameplan. This might have been great for a stimshop variant, but the workshop is gone and with it parasite, which would have been your disruption package out of shaper.

It's a great jank deck though, and if there were a few more expose options it might be good; but it's simply easier to trigger the other criminal "gain 1" effects and most of them are cheaper to install. Once everything is installed, it's like you're playing with a console that's better than desperado, but you lose long before you get there and a 2 card 7 credit desperado that only fires a few times without extreme financial support is... well, let's be honest, a bit shit.