Andy Bowing Out

Radiea 20

Au Revoir in criminal. I think Andromeda is better than Nero for this particular build, because early on you're just trying to get set up asap anyway, and Nero's ability isn't as useful when I'm relying mainly on Corporate Scandal - Blackmail for early accesses.

Andromeda for quicker setup, Quality Time x3 Earthrise Hotel x3 Sports Hopper x2 to draw through the deck like mad (Sports Hopper doubles as a plascrete replacement if need be), get Snitch + 3x Au Revoir out as fast as possible. Corporate Scandal - Blackmail (- Same Old Thing) to not let corp win too early; I find it's generally okay to let the corp score out a bit while you're getting set up, as the lock later on is pretty solid.

3x Au Revoir + Snitch + Reflection + Turning Wheel means that every HQ/R&D jack out is three credits, a random reveal from HQ, and half an extra access on a dig in the future. Can always Blackmail into HQ if you see agendas hiding there early on, if you have enough Turning Wheel counters (3x Turning Wheel, so if you find Snitch and any number of Au Revoir early you can start charging it instead of clicking for credits). Otherwise, well, they're playing with half an open hand, and that never hurts...

FA matchup is generally a bit problematic, I think it's around a 40-45% win rate so far. The Source helps a fair amount, but oftentimes not quite enough. Maybe The Black File in Fear the Masses will help out with this. Otherwise I find it's quite alright against glaciery builds and kill. If net damage is prevalent, cut...something for Feedback Filter (maybe the third Turning Wheel).


Economy is a bit shabby without the engine, so poor draws (esp. if you don't get draw cards) and mulligans seem to get punished quite hard. Used to have better econ, but had to cut that for Fall Guys to protect The Source.

Caprice sucks and often means you have to use a whole turn and two Blackmails to get in early (if they pre-rez it).

Would get a second Hostage if I had space (to fetch Source/Film Critic), maybe even second Reflection, etc. Jak Sinclair would be interesting if I had influence, but I find the wide matchup is fairly easy if you draw reasonably well because of how much money the engine makes you. Probably slot in Feedback Filter in IG-heavy metagame in lieu of third Turning Wheel.

Haven't had a lot of time to play, but been doing this thing for the past week and a bit in Not entirely sure if better than the CT version. CT might be able to import most of it, but probably can't get the entire shebang plus blackmail/corp scandal due to influence. (She probably needs it less, too, since SMC and all...but Clone Chip costs influence now...maybe ditch Reflection? But then you're back at the original CT Au Revoir list plus Turning Wheel.)

Props to Forktines for suggesting Blackmail. I think he went and tried to make a breakerless version, though.

27 May 2016 Crowe

Could you not use Andy for setup speed and then rebirth into Nero for his (occasionally relevant) ability? You could drop a turning wheel, since it's unique.

27 May 2016 Jesus_Phish

I'd agree with Ryan. Drop a The Turning Wheel, add in Rebirth and turn into Nero Severn: Information Broker once you get the chance. At least by turning into Nero, you can bounce of Sentry ice if you want.

27 May 2016 Radiea

@ryangibson86``@Jesus_PhishHmm...I will try that. Third turning wheel is mostly to be able to get timely legworks consistently and have a bigger desperation R&D dig for the faster matchups, maybe it's not worth having three if I only have two Snitch anyway. Thanks!

I'd still cut Rebirth if I needed space for Feedback Filter though :x

31 May 2016 tzeentchling

How much do you need your icebreakers? Theoretically you shouldn't be breaking ice much, right? Everything gets Blackmailed. Obviously, you need something in case of Oversight AI or a lucky ABT, but even then Blackmail HQ + Emergency Shutdown could theoretically deal with it.

1 Jun 2016 Radiea

@tzeentchling That's why there's no Special Order! There's not that much of a need for icebreakers when I have blackmail, but once blackmails + corp scandals run out (and they can, since 1. I only run 2x Corp Scandal and 2. no Deja Vu and Levy), I'm generally through my deck anyway and can install all three. Femme pump cost is harsh, but with Au Revoir economy at end-of-setup it's not much of a problem.

I find having real breakers helps a lot with the final accesses (esp. if there's something like Caprice, since it lets you run HQ, install Pol Op, run remote without blackmailing twice); I use blackmail mostly as a way to not let the corp win early on so I can get the entire thing ready.

1 Jun 2016 tzeentchling

I've seen other similar decks use Crypsis (of all things!) as the only breaker at that point. Seems worth experimenting with, especially since it saves you 4 influence. Of course, I also like the idea of including a one-of Sneakdoor Beta, simply because I don't think they'll always see it coming or bother to shut off archives without Desperado/security testing.

2 Jun 2016 Radiea

I'm itching to include Sneakdoor Beta, actually. I don't know what to cut for it.

I'm not sure Crypsis would be a good fit, since it eats up quite some tempo to click up when I could've just installed the breakers anyway, and oftentimes when I'm actually breaking ice I'm swimming in money. Crypsis would make sense if I made two or less 'real' runs through servers in the entire game...guess I can try experimenting with it?