Core NBN

Aleph 1

Core NBN Deck, could use some suggestions for core play only.

1 Jan 2017 Oooer

Looks like you would need 2 core sets to build this due to only having 1 San San city grid and 2 breaking news in a single core set.

I would look into increasing your cards to 49 to lower agenda density as well as maybe dropping a closed accounts as with 3 they will be sat filling up your hand space.

Matrix Analyzer may want to be replaced by hunter as its encounter effect is not the best with only agendas as its target.

If you're not sticking to the most wanted list, get 2 astroscipt pilot programs in there (3 if you do have a second core) and drop 2 private security forces.

I would consider melange mining corp as the extra cards to include as you currently only have 6 economy cards (but that's more the core sets fault)

Way better than the first deck I ever made though!

1 Jan 2017 extatix

@MrChompy Astro's 1 per deck limit has nothing to do with the MWL.