Yeah, you're not clicking through

LSK 4668

This list is all about the Heinlein Grid and Enhanced Login Protocol. Frig these cards seem powerful. Heinlein + Ash means that any ice you place guarding a scoring server has to be broken through the hard way - Heinlein can't even be trashed unless the runner breaks the ice normally. And the ice is expensive - Eli at 5 strength costs 5 for a Corroder to break, Heimdall 1.0 at 7 strength costs 8 to break, Viktor 2.0 at 6 strength costs 6 for a Gordian Blade to break, etc, and you've got Ash to make it even harder to get through.

There's a lot more I want to fit in but it's already so tight. A third Enhanced Login Protocol, Strongbox, Aggressive Secretary, and so on. Successful Demonstration might be better than some of the money cards I'm doing now. Subliminal Messaging would also be neat.

I have no idea what I'd even use my splash for; all the most efficient money ops are already in HB and SanSan doesn't play nice with Heinlein Grid. I guess Snare would be a possibility.

13 Aug 2014 buddhistmonkey

Does Enhanced Login work with Heinlein Grid, is the extra click considered to be spent during the run I wonder? crazy strong if so!

13 Aug 2014 paddosan

It doesn't, because you need to spend an extra click to make the run, but you lose credits due to Heinlein only if you spend or lose clicks during a run.