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This is an attempt at making the most difficult to build of the three mini-faction runner ID's work.
Endless Hunger is a juggernaut of an icebreaker, but needs a lot of draw to support it. Unfortunately Apex can't get any draw without spending influence, so that's where a lot of it goes: Quality Time is just 1 influence, while Safety First feeds him cards all game long. The familiar one-of Levy is for games that go long.
You'll notice that a lot of the cards are redundant: never will you need all three copies of Brain Cage or Heartbeat, and PPVP doesn't do all that much. Frankly this is inevitable until more cards are released, since most neutral cards are either bad or are resources, which Apex can hardly use any of. His second ID ability makes this not much of a problem, but makes him very card hungry.
Faust deals with most ice that Endless Hunger can't, and plays into the low-econ cards-for-access game plan. Prey deals with the rest. e3 is a natural fit for icebreakers that use secondary resources to break subroutines.
Datasucker or Parasite could use a home in this deck, but Endless Hunger costs 4 MU and Apex doesn't have good options for more MU without spending more influence.
11 Oct 2015
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Maybe easy mark over the grifters? I like the idea but maybe if ABR was in the deck to make sure your always getting successful runs but it takes 2 turns to break even and Apex is usually pretty broke and EM is the same amount of influence and it's easier to get out of hand.
Hows faust working out? Not tried that yet i presume you'd be unable to use it with safety first installed unless you have done the hearbeat/brain cage thing which is a little situational.