Hunka Chunka Andy V1.2 (SC winner - 21 players)

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Andy stealth SC Dragon's Lair 01/03/2015
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kata124 426

First place at the Goblin Town Games store champs in Pocatello Idaho. There were 21 players, 5 rounds, cut to top 8. Shouts out to Isaac for running a great tourney, Utah group for being tough opponents and chill people, and Burk's Bugs (my Boise meta) because you are awesome.

Corp deck here

Deck went 5-2. Nothing too impressive about the decklist. I debated long and hard about playing Stealth Andy vs PPVP Kate. They are both very strong against glacier decks. Kate does slightly better against NEH. Andy does slightly better against HB. I decided I didn't have enough practice playing Kate and went with Andy. Went up against 3 different HBs and won. Went up against a single NEH, Spencer's, which I lost to in swiss and beat in the final match of the night.

Things I learned:
Utopia Shard is a beast. Would have definitely included it instead of Feedback Filter except Jonathan is an extremely good PE player and I would have straight up lost to him without it.


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