Electric Shell-a-loo

Ampère Cybernetics For Anyone

90 influence spent (max ∞, available ∞)
20 agenda points (between 20 and 21)
49 cards (min 45)
Cards up to Parhelion
Too many copies of a limited card
Agenda (9)
Asset (16)
1x Bladderwort ●●
1x Clearinghouse ●●●
1x Drago Ivanov ●●●●
1x Gaslight
1x Moon Pool ●●●
1x Reaper Function ●●
1x Ronin ●●●●
1x Snare! ●●
1x Urtica Cipher ●●
Event ()
Hardware ()
Operation (14)
1x Audacity ●●●●
1x End of the Line ●●●●
1x Kakurenbo ●●●
1x Mitosis ●●●●
1x Neurospike ●●●
1x Riot Suppression ●●●●
1x Seamless Launch ●●
1x Trick of Light ●●●
1x Wake Up Call ●●●
Resource ()
Upgrade (2)
1x Hokusai Grid ●●
1x Mr. Hendrik ●●●
Barrier ()
Code Gate (2)
1x Fairchild 3.0 ●●●
1x Mausolus ●●●
Icebreaker ()
Multi ()
Other (2)
1x Mganga ●●
1x Special Offer ●●
Program ()
Sentry (4)
1x Anemone ●●
1x Chrysalis ●●
1x Otoroshi ●●
1x Saisentan ●●●
Legality (show more)
Standard Ban List 23.09 (latest)
Standard Ban List 23.08 (active)
Deck valid after Fifth Rotation
hide Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
hide Repartition by Cost
hide Repartition by Strength
hide Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
hide Inspiration for
Ampère Attacks! — 2nd Place, VPC Highlander, 2-1
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Tzane 15

Finnish/Baltic Nationals real winners tournament deck. For runner side the Nova deck building choices felt kinda meaningless so I just played this guy.

Game plan was a Jinteki shell game like.

  • Install advance^2 stuff to remotes
  • Setup kill with trash for damage assets or kill runner reckless runner with the traps

Deck building steps were basically:

  1. Add Fairchild 3.0
  2. Add 7 other ice that are not fun to facecheck
  3. All all possible trap assets
  4. Add Wake Up Call for some boat hating
  5. Add econ
  6. Cut to 49

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