Junkarin italian national 1st place swiss 4th place overall

Guaina 157

This deck is a mix of an assetspam and a late game glacier. the strategy is simple set up a city hall then start the asset spam with all the alliance cards. after the initial set up you can dig for Ash and tour guides and set up the scoring server. the last step is used to complete the GFI cause you can sneak 1 or 2 agendas in a naked remote pretty consistently with the sheer amount of asset you put on the table.


Sandburg: since you spend very little money every cent you gain will probably float in the bank so a late game sandburg can really lock down the runner

Virtual tour+Product recall: this combo was nerfed with the FAQ on the museum but is still pretty effective way to gain money

Executive research firm: fundamental card to get Jackson and Mills when you need them

Mills: kills wyldsyde, aesop and Slums AND remove the bad pub vs Valencia super strong card if you can call her on command.

Viper: just 1 influence HB ice can be chanced with anything that gives you the HB alliance