
Galatea 25

14 May 2014 Nushura

Do you really need motivation? For a deck full of programs guessing that will always be correct. Maybe replace them with plascretes?

14 May 2014 Karselleristen

This will just not work..

For instance:

  • Your only sentry breaker is Dagger, and you only have a single Cloak to power it? What will you ever do if an Archer is rezzed?

  • Triple Akamatsu, Cybersolutions and Monolith.. Way too much memory, you generally don't expect to be able to install every single program in your deck.

  • Triple Levy, but no enhanced card draw, I don't think you'll get through your deck that many times, and only seldomly will you be able to get May and Motivation out.

  • You're using the Professor, but you're not using his special ability, there's only 13 pips of influence, Kate would be a strictly better identity for this deck.

  • Why Battering Ram over Corroder? You generally only use it to save influence in Shaper decks, the Professor doesn't have that concern.

I could probably go on, but I trust you get the point.. :|

14 May 2014 x3r0h0ur

To be fair, battering ram is more efficient per break against the most common ice seen today except bako, wrap and ice wall. That leaves Wall of throns, Eli, heimdall, bastion, static, and probably more that are as efficient or more efficient. Sure theres install cost, and MU, but thats not the point.

But on this deck, yea, you'll need more draw, more accurate program selection, more money and less monolith.