RSVP regrets only. 2.0

HepatitvsJ 244

I've been play testing this a lot lately and it seems to do well. I've moved from FA decks that use any 4/2 to no (in case, still one) 4/2. I prefer the 3/2 or 3/1 so I'm never stuck holding a character assassination (or efficiency committee) instead of scoring. The increased agenda density doesn't mean much, it still takes 4 agenda minimum and it may take more depending on what the runner pulls. Focus on scoring any 3/2 you draw and let the runner spend creds going for (hopefully) a 3/1. There will be games you will lose because the runner lucked into the 3/2s while you were stuck with the 3/1s. It hasn't been common though. Many games seem to go to 5 agendas scored to win and the economic drain of having to score the 5th agenda, as well as the taxing ICE, tilts the balance a little in your favor since your ability to score isn't made any more difficult. I would like to get two more 3/1 agendas over the character assassination, as well as 1-2 more interns to return Sansan, ASH, or Red herrings, but I don't want to drop any more ICE or economy.