It's All Because of Bad Politics (Undefeated GNK)

GwiLo 22

Yo dawg. I hear ya like to mix yo money and yo politics. I hear ya like ta make completely baseless accusations. I hear ya like to spam yo assets.

Well, my good friend, look no further and behold the deck that I took to first place in a GNK, going undefeated on both sides. Now, I get it. "We got 17 ICE here - what asset spam you talking about?"

Easy, good fellow. The purpose behind getting a ton of money is to use it. And what better way to use it than to rez all of our Tollbooths? If that's not enough for you, just play 10 assets in one turn with Ad Blitz. Easy. A done deal. The best deal. And the runner loses $1 in the process. Priceless. For like $10 which you're gonna make back, I guarantee it.

Really though, if the runner can't make their money on time, all you gotta do is stomp their face with prime rush strats and rezzed politics. And if they do get their money, then you can actually play that fun game where you have a SanSan rezzed in a double Tollbooth remote, randomly jamming things in until you force a run. And they'll pay through the nose to get that run. Then you jam something else in. Then something else. Until eventually you just win because they have no money. Like all the other scrubs.

This deck has no bad cards. Even Shannon Claire is good. Did you know that she can save agendas in archives? I didn't! But then I put her in a deck and found that out. You think people gonna play Noise? Play Shannon Claire. Jackson's a fucking crutch. Cut your crutch in half and you got Shannon Claire, propping you up like the lopsided pigeon you are.

Rebranding Team is amazing. Turns out getting all your political assets back in the same turn is pretty good.

NAPD is amazing. Turns out paying $4 after breaking a couple Tollbooths is hard.

Food is amazing. Like, it keeps you alive bro.

Red Herrings would be amazing if runners actually got through my remote. But they can't. Cuz they too poor.