[TWA] Haas Bioroid Midrange v2.0

DonutTaganes 2548

Greetings! Jesse from The Winning Agenda here.

This is version 2 of the Haas Bioroid midrange deck we featured in episode 17 of The Winning Agenda.

The objective of the deck is to defend your centrals lightly using an Eli, Markus or Viper early, then have a Tollbooth/Wall of Thorns and a smaller Ice on the remote.

Then, once you've absorbed a couple of runs on your centrals and depleted the runner's economy, you score out of the remote. Otherwise, if they are not aggressive early, you can use Ash(es) and the speed of the event economy in the deck to force an agenda through the remote.

The deck can function well against aggressive or controlling decks. choosing the right time to install the agenda in the remote is the key.

I frequently run Beta Tests and the deck is built to maximise the chances of a successful one. With 20 ICE and only 8 agendas, you can calculate the level of risk depending on what cards you've drawn up to the point you score it and make the decision about whether you're comfortable with that risk. The upside is pretty good with so many 8-cost ICE that can shore up your remote or centrals!

Any questions, ask away!