Exile The What am i doing Hawk

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OneThatMatters 27

Working on a lot of kinks in this deck, So far i'm enjoying it.

25 Feb 2015 AfroCelt

looks fun. with that much recursion do you need 2x corroder?

25 Feb 2015 OneThatMatters

I was thinking about adding 2 Freelance Coding Contract and taking out a corroder

25 Feb 2015 king_mob

Reckon with the number of programs here those changes would be good ones. Maybe swap garrote out as well and put in alias + passport, to support femme and ZU. Or keep all of them, influence allowing :) Toolbox exile basically wants to draw and dump programs and keep doing that till he has the answer to the corp ID he is facing, FCC helps a lot with this. Masanori is an odd include considering exiles ability. Strong looking deck otherwise.

25 Feb 2015 x3r0h0ur

I would cut the corroders and garrote, put in faerie, and some sacrifical constructs and make it semi-faerie rush style, recurring faeries, and scavenging lady's as well as d4v1ds and maybe parasites if you can slot 1.

-1 Rachel -2 corroder -1 garrote +2 faerie +1 parasite -3 dirty laundry +3 sacrificial construct

shore up the ladys by removing the atmans, they're not that great...maybe 1.

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