Trash Agenda

vansmith3555 1

This deck is not checked. It came to me this morning that how to use Joshua effectively. Well, maybe other people might have built a similar deck, for I'm new to this game. And this is my first deck published.

There're only two ways to avoid tag. It is not possible to use Joshua and Decoy at the same time. So I use the City Hall. In order to keep the City Hall, I use Keyhole and Imp to avoid stealing an agenda.

Here are some questions which I would like to get advice from everybody. 1.ID -- I used Reina first, but on a second thought, I changed it to Whizzard. Which is better? Maybe all the three Id are suitable to this deck? 2.Console -- I know Desperado is the best, and it keeps gaining credits. Is there an alternative choice? 3. I've found out there's no drawing in the deck, so I put John Masanori. If the Console is changed, maybe I can add Quality time or Diesel or Levy Lab? I love Levy. Since I put almost all the eco in, I think it is necessary to add a copy of Levy in. 4. This deck has not been checked by myself. I'm not sure about how long the game would last.

Thanks to you all.