I'll break you with nothing!

Mr.Jank 272

Get through the deck super fast firing street peddlers injects and I've has worse. Install clone chips and ddos on the way as well as a Hades Shard hopefully early game. Amped up 2 or 3 times, trash ddos, clone chip keyhole and false echo with your remaining 8-10 clicks keyhole. If they have a few ice false echo them after passing and re Clone Chip or install off street peddler more false echos or clone chips to fetch false echos. Enjoy winning the game unless they caprice you or Jackson or somehow rez ice early. But 80 percent of the time it will win especially if your opponent doesn't know what's going on! Run remotes if u feel there's a Jackson hiding or Hades as soon as you score a couple then keep key holeing to trash whatever you'd like. If u don't win. Trope into your rnd only when ur through the whole deck. Put in the amped ups ddos clone chips and injects back into your deck on your first click. Hope for an inject so that you can use it to draw the pieces you need before your ability fires and wastes your pieces. Then try going for it another couple times. If you don't win your first round go all out on your last. Use stimhack and clonechip your medium so that you can alternate between keyhole and medium for tons of access. It's super fun for you but shocking to the opponent plus you get through without any icebreakers! Enjoy