Bankhar is my Breaker

Ytang 172

Bankhar is busto. Facecheck any server and force the corp to let you in unless they have an ETR inside the first ice. Then, if they do, they need to be able to rez two more ice with the same placement on a different server next turn. Anywhere you get in, you wreak havoc trashing their precious cards. Your cards? Not precious. You just need to draw enough to keep faceplanting into ice. How do we do that? More busto cards.

Aniccam anarch is busto. More draw from playing your many events or having them trashed by our breaker? Yes please! Fires on corp turn with Lago, which, you guessed it: Lago is busto. More draw from the corp trying to build a board state? Yes please! With both down, you can start your turn with 8 cards in hand clicklessly (when Lago trashes a Steelskin and Aniccam fires). [Technically 9 clicklessly with a Solidarity Badge draw!] Plenty of fuel for our co-pilot, I mean breaker, Bankhar.

Anarch recursion is busto. Labor Right, Ashen, and Buffer Drive are all we need to get any key pieces back, and to reset the entire deck after making the corp dead broke by trashing their cards and forcing rez's.

Andrej from Metropole called it a prison deck. I only decided to publish the list after hearing that somebody from his stream chat wanted it. Andrej said I'd gone through the deck twice and the viewer could backwards design it, but I figured I'd save them the effort—it's a fun deck. Go facecheck some ice! (DISCLAIMER: poster not liable for flatlines due to Bankhar breaking Anansi or Endless EULA, pilot at your own risk).