Oracle Rielle

steevo15 110

Here's my take on an Oracle May/Motivaion deck. I figured that everyone would be using either Exile or Kate for this combo, and I wanted to change it up. Kit has great aggression and can usually get in to any server that she wants, and Kit with big breakers is even scarier. There is one problem with Oracle/Motivation combo, after you get the pieces installed, the rest are dead draws. My answer? Aesop's. Motivation costs 0 to install, Oracle May is 1 to install. If you already have the combo installed and you pull another one of the cards, just sell the installed one off to Aesop and re-install your other copy. Other cards that combo with Aesops are Armitage, Daily Casts, and sometimes Personal Touch.

Basically the goal here is to get your big breakers quickly out with Eureka!/Motivation and Test Run/Scavenge. If you can get a Torch out quickly then apply immediate pressure. Mimic is in here for the small sentrys that aren't efficient to break with Femme. Personal Touch is versatile and can go on either Femme, Morning Star, or Mimc, depending on the situation you are in. Escher is a fail safe for if your fixed breakers can't get through ice and you need to put them up front to make them code gates.

Suggestions are welcome! Enjoy.

29 Apr 2014 x3r0h0ur

Oracle doesn't help with aesops, she's unique so she'd auto trash the previous oracle. Works for motivation though. Good synergy with daily and armitage though. I'd be interested to see replicator and TPT, and sell the replicators. That works better in kate though...

29 Apr 2014 steevo15

Oracle doesn't work with Aesop's? Am I thinking about this wrong then? If you have Oracle May and Aesop's installed and you draw her again, next turn sell the existing one off, then install it again.

29 Apr 2014 x3r0h0ur

I mean, that works, but you spend a click and 1 to install every time, and you miss the turn of use because you can't use her ability in the turn you pawn I don't see why you would.

29 Apr 2014 x3r0h0ur

OH okay she doesn't have to be the first click, I see. Still 1 and a click makes it super marginal.

29 Apr 2014 steevo15

The way I see it, its like clicking for two credits. Aesops+install nets me two credits which is perfectly acceptable in my book. Even more credits if I draw it with the existing oracle.