ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ - 3rd place at Blakfyre Games SC

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Friff14 584

If you were wondering how one would pronounce 'ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ', it's pronounced "The Deck Formerly Known as 'No Really, We're The Good Guys'".

This deck is positioned very well in the meta at the moment. It's a Medtech Rush deck, but not the same way that you'd play a Weyland rush deck. It's more like RP Rush, but with more focus on Caprice/Batty than anything else.

The basic idea of the deck is taking advantage of Global Food Initiative like no other ID really can. The runner either has to steal 2 The Future Perfect (or Film Critic them), or 3 agendas total, one or more of which might be TFP. Meanwhile, you only have to score 2, and with Caprice, you won't have a problem doing it.

Normal games go like this: Ice HQ and R&D, play a few econ operations, put 1 or 2 ice on the remote. Put Melange in there with one upgrade. Use Melange until you're either rich enough to score all your agendas, rez all your ice, and still have 8-12 credits for psi games. People right now don't know how to deal with Melange (trash on sight), but when they do, you get to rez your ice early and that's fine too. Get Caprice in the remote, then rush out 2 agendas in 4 turns. Game, set, match.

If you're bad at Psi games, don't play this deck. If you think Psi games are all luck, don't play this deck. If you feel comfortable reading your opponent, this deck simply wins games.

I won 5 games and dropped 2. One of the losses was to a Good Stuff Valencia, one to a Faust Gabe. It beat Dumblefork, Jes Siphon, Leela DLR, Good Stuff Val, and Drip Kate. All of those wins, except against Val, were quick and easy. If it weren't for the fact that I'm terrible at running Faust decks, I think I could have won the tournament.

If you score once, you win 90% of the time. I've had exactly 2 games where I ended with points but didn't win. You just rush something with Caprice behind ice and win psi games. I didn't lose a single Caprice psi game all day (including 4 in 3 turns against one player), though I lost 2 TFPs over the course of the day. I only lost one agenda that was installed, and that was against the guy who ended up winning the tournament.

So play this now while you still can. Once we get Plop, this deck is probably going to die right away, so do it now. This is the best spot Medtech has ever been in, so someone take it to an SC and win it for me.

28 Feb 2016 LazerDoofus

Looks like great minds think alike, just won an SC yesterday with a list that's maybe 5-7 cards different.

15 Mar 2016 rafastr

Hey man. Just to tell you I took this deck to a tournament in Portugal. It did very well. In 4 round I just lost 1 game with it. Was versus a deck with eater that only played account syphons on HQ... And even in that game I felt that I could've won if I played better.

My psy game was on point that day. In 1 of the games I won about 15 Psy of 18... :) Was fun. I played 1 credit 5 times in a row. He always played 0c. In the 6th time I played 0c, oponnet played 1c. ahah.

The list is really wel built, the only card that I'd change probably is Crick.

16 Mar 2016 Friff14

@rafastr Awesome! I actually changed a few cards around for the tournament the week after and it performed much worse. I should have kept the deck the same, as it was on fire at this tournament.

What would you swap Crick to? I mostly have it there for reinstalling ice that has been trashed and for a cheap 2-card tax on Faust. It actually won me a game by letting me reinstall Batty on R&D, ending a run that would have resulted in Notoriety.

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