46 card MaxX (2nd, 38th at Ntscape SC)

lostgeek 3712

Taking a loooong look at the list, Pinsel and me asked ourselves what could be improved... We decided, that we liked how 2 Wildcat Strike played and also liked the extra draw from Earthrise Hotel, especially when it allows playing Labor Rights before Rebirth. Also having Knobkierie before going into stabby-mode is very good, so 2 copies of it would be great. But then... what to cut?

We haven't conclusively decided on this internally yet, as you can see in the 3 different MaxX flavors we brought to the tournament (see Heinzel's list here). But this iteration decided to cut 1x Cookbook and Progenitor for it. The reasoning being that the second and third copies of that card are typically not needed and with the additional draw from the Hotel, you will draw into them more often.

Also we couldn't decide on the final cut. We were sure it's either Black Orchestra or MKUltra, but not knowing what the meta will look like, we decided to go for the coward's way and played a 46 card list. Retrospectively, cutting Blorch might have been the correct choice.

For further info about the deck in general, see Pinsel's write-up. For me the list went 2-3 with some unfortunate luck and bad plays on my part, but Pinsel took it to second place.