A bunch of utensil and a paintbrush

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Exo 355

The mix of a bunch of utensil and a paintbrush in the Queztal pocket just ended to be way better than expected -me

Hi everyone, Here the new idea I just found and while I am not sure how well is it refined, let me tell you what it's all about.

Quetzal ability fit the main idea: My main goal was to find a way to make possible the use of Paintbrush and the new utensil event(Forked, Spooned and Knifed) work together. Queztal ability synergize well with Paintbrush so it was a no brainer.

Eater is the best way to support this type of deck: Eater is so great and it's the best choice to going all in into the ICE destruction event plus Keyhole still work so let's put it in the deck too :)

I need to draw a lot to make my key cards out: At first I thought about the new cards to draw but then I realize that I am going to have memory problems. From there the deck just made itself together. Ekomind and Duggar's was the absolute solution and it was already exploited in many other Queztal deck along with Origami and Overmind which I wanted both after thinking about it.

So here is the final result I came up with:


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