Kate Out For A Jog

sruman 132

Experiment at creating a Kate that actually wants to run ... okay, jog, she still loves her setup. In a few games testing, pleasantly surprised. Highly doubtful she'll replace PPK in the top tier but not many decks are going to. Some notes on card choices.

Run-Kate-Run Cards

Desperado - Classic run incentivizer. Influence is hard to swallow (and rules out PP econ engine) with astrolabe in faction, but can't really have the deck theme without it.

John Masanori -- Getting tagged with this deck is definitely bad but with SMC it'll happen less often and don't play him when face-checking :) NACH helps too.

Datasucker -- Popular opinion is it's pretty good ...

DaVinci -- I was meh on this card to begin with, especially since with Kate discount I don't have much that costs over 3 which means practically any other econ card is better on a per-click-efficiency basis. Then I found out that it's not "lower the cost" but instead card of equal-or-lower-cost for free which crushed my dream of Kate discount on corporate turn. So I'm definite luke warm on this card in Kate. But I can dream of masanori, 3 davinci, 2 datasucker, desperado runs on archives ...

Other Card Notes Cybersolutions -- so expensive and don't need 2nd one but rig is big and it costs enough to make Davinci sorta kinda more useful. Could be akamatsu's without davinci.

NACH -- Trying it over plascrete include because more general, but needs film critic steals to stay alive so might not be good enough kill protection and if do get mid-seasoned, no help at all.

Levy -- Won't need it in most games but like my security blanket.

Scrubber -- Asset spam is a (popular) thing. Scrubber + desperado can actually let Kate do something about it. I supposed could be parcia with all the potential memory available.

Yog -- Breaking anything with Gordian or Zu just hurts after playing anarch ... I suppose with datasuckers, Gordian not that much different in cost and more flexible but ...

All feedback and questions are welcome. Thanks.