Dirty Laundry - Ep 6 - Fisk - Bromethius w/ Brendan

CodeMarvelous 20021

Brendan Cavalier and I build a beta Fisk deck to experiment with after worlds.

Watch us build:


Find him here: https://SanSanSouth.com

5 Nov 2015 siahofmars

@CodeMarvelous does it rely too much on landing account siphon for econ? seems with your program suite u will need lotsa creds to get runs in.

5 Nov 2015 CodeMarvelous

@siahofmars thats a potential problem that might come out in testing we will see. I could also see fisk running faust and levy instead to keep costs down.

5 Nov 2015 siahofmars

@CodeMarvelous cool man i would love to see it played and tested. i love your series, and hope to see more soon! watched your apex build and spark as well. i have been working on Apex and playing him alot, and been trying to make him competitive , check out my latest apex build. Keep it up man!

13 Nov 2015 bcavalier

We gotta try this out soon.