Hayley on Spring Break

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Wookiee 90

The jank is real.

But it's just possible the jank is playable.

It's an Ekomind/Overmind/Sage shell. Adjusted Chronotype to let you play Beach Parties and Hard at Work to get you money and hand size. Origami because the scale exponentially (3 Origami take 3 MU and give +9 hand size which gives +6 MU). A Leprechaun to hold a couple programs, just because. SMC to fetch. Tyson Observatory to get your Ekomind out ASAP. Symmetrical Visage to fill your hand and make cash. Gene Conditioning Shoppe to make SV and AC turbo charged. Scavenge refills your Overmind. Data Folding because if you don't have 2 spare MU, you've lost.

I know it's insane. And I know it'll have issues. But I think Tyson makes it possible to get Ekomind out, and Hayley lets you get the pieces in place fast.

It's possible it would be Better In Kate(tm), but I think the extra clicks will be worth more than the discount.

And I know the Levy AR is completely non-synergetic, because it'll kill your rig if you use it. It's really just a panic button in case someone manages to kill a key piece of the deck, or if you just can't find any more cards for your hand anyway.


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