
CodeMarvelous 20021

This deck masquerades as a FA deck but in fact is a flatline deck. I only need 2 agendas to win but chances are after I land a shi.kyu the runner will need more than that.

2 May 2014 bubo

The only real concern that I see with this deck is a heavy R&D digger or Keyhole user. I want to say that Shiro could help, but I'm not sold on it's utility without R&D triggering traps in the deck mix. I know it's cliche at this point, but you may want to evaluate the utility of Zaibatsu Loyalty against Snare! / Shock! instead.

2 May 2014 famebyproxy

Shi.Kyu in archives is great against Keyhole, in my limited experience playing with it (almost all of which has been against a Reina/Keyhole deck)

3 May 2014 CaKnuckleguy

If it's a flatline, why ag-sec and not Cerebral Overwriter? Mushin a C-O is all sorts of fun. My suggestions: -1 Tsurugi, + 1 Inazuma (these are boss). -2 Ag-Sec, +2 Cerebral Overwriter. -1 Jackson and -2 Zaibatsu Loyalty, +3 Sundew (these are econo-boss). Mix and match, but get some Shock in the mix instead of JUST Shi.Kyu. Depending on what econ, maybe not 3x Celebrity Gifts if you switch to Sundews. Mix and match, but something should leave room for Shocks as well.