Any Nexus v1.3

eldgesttiger 1

Another try at Andromeda with more clearance than she should have. It sets up remarkably fast. General strategies are to tutor for The Supplier early if you can, using him to slowly offload Rabbit Holes (brings the total cost down to 4 for 3 link, which is reasonable and gets two more cards out of your deck), Power Taps, Underworld Contact, and to get the Security Nexus in at a discount if you don't need it the turn you draw it. Tutor for Scrubber if you have enough money to not need the discounts and they're running asset heavy or horizontal, otherwise The Supplier is far better. Kati Jones is generally the best thing to tutor for after whichever one you got first. Once you have the Security Nexus and Rabbit Holes out, you can start running in force: before that, you stick to just test probes and try to snipe agendas with a breaker or two and Inside Job. Your late game consists of Globalsec Security Clearance being out, and peeking at the top card of their deck every turn. If it's an agenda, go take it, if not, and they've drawn cards you haven't seen, run their hand, or whatever asset is best to trash. Once you have Power Taps or Rabbit Holes out, most trace ice is terrible against you: Assassin and such gives you money for running through it, assuming the corporation doesn't spend money to raise the trace, and even then you're Vamping them for every credit spent, or just taking the trace and laughing. It is important to stay fairly high-cash late game, but that's easier than you'd expect with the 1-3 money per trace and probably around 2 credits a turn clickless income. The most consistent thing I've lost to was Fast Advance, and even then it's not an automatic lose. Early game you need your Inside Jobs, hence running 3. Late game, keep after the HQ and R&D. Finally, if you see any evidence of resource trashing or program killing, play careful around those. You're not in the worst place without your resources, since you'll hold onto your programs and link, but it's all of your passive economy, and breakers are light in the deck.