San Antonio Regional: 2nd Place - Chaos "StimShop" Theory

jinteki4life 205

2nd Place: San Antonio Regional

Swiss: 5W-1L

Double Elimination: 1W-1L

Overall: 6W-2L

Quick Notes: The deck actually ran with x2 The Maker's Eye and not the Indexings. I made a last minute decision to switch because we were going into an unknown meta.

I have since went back to x2 The Maker's Eye and dropped the Indexings.

9 Jun 2014 djackman

This deck looks really fun. :)

9 Jun 2014 el-zilcho

It looks fun, but frightening. 3 Stimhack, but no flatline protection. I imagine the idea is to just win really, really fast or have way more money than the corp?

10 Jun 2014 HallucinogenicApplesauce

This deck is extremely fun to play and also extremely frustrating to play against. There have been a few games where this deck has had the full rig up by turn 4, and is really hard to stop. As far as flatline protection, against SE decks, it's an economy war, and against net damage decks, just pray it's not a junebug :P

12 Jun 2014 shazzner

I played against this deck twice and couldn't believe how fast it was able to set up, great games! :)

24 Jun 2014 SpawnMoreOverlords

Which breaker do you host on Dinosaurus usually ?

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