Bridgeman Ob (A successful 4 Year Canadian National Defence)

Sokka 5905

Bridgeman Ob + Apoc Lat = A four year Canadian national title defence!? Woooooot!

It’s the same deck Bridgeman and I played at Intercontinentals and it’s also the same deck Whiteblade played to 2nd place at Canadian Nationals.

You can check out my Intercontinentals Playlist for a bit of deck discussion and my interconts games.

There isn’t much more to say about this that Bridgeman hasn’t already said but I do want to give a huuuuge shoutout to Matuszczak who, the night before Canadian Nationals, made the comment that he usually finds Preemptive an underwhelming card. When I woke up and read this, I agreed and wanted to replace it. I didn’t know what to put in and nobody was responding on discord so I was all on my own and I decided on a Best Defense; it can shoot Misdirection, Stoneship, and turns out it is absolutely crucial for the Tag-Me Zahya matchup.

As always, if anyone has any questions about the deck or anything Netrunner feel free to hit me up!

See y’all at worlds :)

13 Sep 2022 Matuszczak

Congratulations! I'm glad I wasn't online then, because I'd have tried to talk you out of the Best Defense :D Excellent call and an absolutely amazing achievement!

15 Sep 2022 maninthemoon

Love the Best Def switch. Really well played Sunday :)

22 Sep 2023 karausa

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5 Aug 2024 andreeone23

The choice to replace Preemptive with Best Defense, based on last-minute advice and your own fnf online intuition, highlights the importance of adaptability and continuous improvement in competitive play.