Vote Shannon

Laxen 584

Latest iteration in my attempt to make a Shannon/Takeover deck.

The key is to achieve ultra low agenda density by burrying a Government Takeover at the bottom using a Shannon. There are 6 agendas left, of which the runner needs 4 to win. Paywall will stick around for a while.

After that, create a decent mid-game scoring remote and start pushing things out as soon as you draw them. Atlas enables lots of nice stuff, and if the Takeover has already been burrowed, use the token for kill threat.

Ice just a mixed bunch of decent mid-game stuff to tax the runner out and enable early/mid game scoring.

Tips: Look out for Showing Offs and have fun ;P

All tips welcome ofc. Tried it in Blue Sun before but didnt like how slow it was. Also considering Core Weyland since the Atlas tutor is a bit anti-synergic with the Shannonigans, but it also lets you set up super-fast once scored.

22 Dec 2015 FarCryFromHuman

Archer seems like the exact wrong piece of ICE here. Sacrificing an agenda will pretty assuredly lose you the game if you can't flatline the runner, and the odds of "scoring" a Public Support aren't great. Negotiator might be a reasonably taxing substitute.

Punitive Counterstrike also seems like a better kill option than Scorched Earth with your big agendas (plus if the runner manages to grab Government Takeover and not win then you do).

22 Dec 2015 Laxen

@FarCryFromHuman Hey, thanks for your input :)

Archer is a solid ice with the possibility to turn a game around like few other ice can. Sacrificing an agenda at the right moment can sometimes be worth it, but Pub Sup is of course the main target for it. Kill pieces makes it scary for the runner to trash Pub Sup, and it's not that hard to push them through in a scoring remote while waiting for agendas. I'm also trying versions without Archer and PubSup out, but the Archer is such a rock so I currently prefer having it.

Negotiator is a card i wish was more playable! But it costs more than the Caduceus, is equally taxing, and can't really have too many slots that are effectively handled by a mimic. The facechecking could be bit more punishing, so might be fun to try out to see how often that can do a difference :)

Punitive isn't actually that good since it can only do 2 damage, unless the runner steals the Takeover (which I dont want) or several agendas at once, which don't happen often with this deck.