MAD Booms yo (Undefeated Swiss, 7th US Nats)

Redino987 336

*Insert Jesse Pinkman Breaking bad gif here *

This was an almost unchanged copy of Zoom-copy50. I dropped sandburg for Malia in order to better deal with Bankhar, and switched up the agenda suite a little. In retrospect, I think moving things around and going 3 GFI 3 Ikawah and 1 Luminal or Vitruvius is a good call.

The deck is phenomenal and mean which makes me glad Boom! is rotated, it performed really well in swiss rounds:

Round 1 vs Jaypumpkin - Got my combo pieces set up just in time to land the combo before he built up a board state to tear mine up

Round 3 vs Janktivist - Big hoshiko is a little slower to set up, I got lucky with a spin doctor to find my final combo piece and then was able to Biotic,biotic, bass, MAD, Boom

Round 5 vs Aurates - On TagMe Zahya, hit a drafter 4th click allowing me to recur boom, gg

Round 7 vs Chromatically - really tough game, was losing pieces to Maw, game went to time and I was able to biotic a Virt to tie on points

Round 10 vs Fa - ID'd (in single sided swiss?! ) against our new East Coast National Championship

Cut Game 1 vs Choux - I was fairly confident I could get the combo off on the only non Hoshiko in the cut, Choux's Adam, but I was proven wrong. A turn before I was ready, a perfectly executed jailbreak on R&D took all the points he needed to avoid a missile.

Big shoutouts to all the folk supporting the tournament behind the scenes by judging and streaming, and making the game, and to all my fellow netrunner enthusiasts.

1 Aug 2023 ChiptheRipper

It was so great to meet and play with you at East Coast Nats Teo! I enjoyed the race against the clock to defuse the incoming missiles- I was on a knifes edge throughout the game! I love especially when you announced, 'This is the Truth' each time Find the Truth was triggered. :D

Great deck and I enjoyed hearing about your card considerations.

1 Aug 2023 aureates

Imagine running last click against unrezzed ice, couldn't be me

Good game, and and congrats again on your placing!

1 Aug 2023 Redino987

@ChiptheRipper in the early days of Find the Truth, some people would steal or trash cards seen from FtT so I adopted the "This is the truth" as a way to remind that its from the ability haha.

@aureates safety is an illusion

1 Aug 2023 Redino987

@ChiptheRipper in the early days of Find the Truth, some people would steal or trash cards seen from FtT so I adopted the "This is the truth" as a way to remind that its from the ability haha.

@aureates safety is an illusion, missiles in the bin can sometimes be reloaded. GG though, i was on the back foot for a bunch of it, you did great

1 Aug 2023 ChiptheRipper

I vividly remember an early game in learning Adam with @Maj.Apollo whenever I would see a card from Find the Truth, I said 'No Access'. He looks back at me like, ๐Ÿ™„ 'you can't access' (growing pains ๐Ÿ˜)

6 Aug 2023 Jtfq99999
