Exposed Lies v0.2

wswan 68

I moved some influence around to give myself back a second Gordian Blade (I had a Peacock in there for a while) and took out the Lucky Finds for Armitages. I originally thought that I needed event econ to get my hand down in the first turn and play Blackguard, but that's stupid because I can play Armitage for cheap and then suck money off of it second turn and play Blackguard then, which is smarter. It's kind of a waste to put it out first turn and then not be able to do anything with it.

29 May 2014 esutter479

I'm still kind of a noob at Netrunner, so consider this a noob question, lol...why only 2 Special Orders? With only 8 Icebreakers, I'd consider those to be pretty important to your success with this deck.

29 May 2014 wswan

@esutter479 Mostly I just couldn't fit a third. Secondly, and this is I thing I find somewhat hard to understand, but most decks keep the icebreakers at pretty low counts, so eight is actually somewhat high, and thus the special orders aren't too important. I mean, I could have more other tutoring stuff (like all that crazy Shaper stuff) but I'm having trouble squeezing things in as it is.

29 May 2014 partialcharge

The reason icebreaker counts are low is that, as a general rule, you don't want to play one until you know (or strongly suspect) that you'll need it. That's why Special Order & other tutoring is so strong; you can keep your counts low and still get them just when you need them.

Here, 2x of each looks good as Levy is the only recovery method should disaster (in the form of a Rototurret (pew pew!) or other destroyer) befall you. I'd say if you could drop one thing for a third SO it might be a Satellite Uplink. It's really good with Blackguard for sure, but it's also really strong even if you only play it once or twice a game.

29 May 2014 wswan

@partialcharge True.I had dropped the Lemuria for a while until I realized it was the only non-event expose card. I think I'll give the drop to the Satellite Uplink of the third Infil. The Levy was original to bring my expendable expose stuff back, but honestly there is only so much exposing you can do in one game before Ice stops coming out, So, yeah, thanks for the advice.

29 May 2014 esutter479

Very valid, constructive answers...thank you. :) I am quite liking Criminal decks so far, even though I only have a Core set still. That'll change in a couple weeks though. Thank god for a full-time job, lol. I think when I'm able to build a deck like this, I may finally realize the true value of Lemuria. Atm, I play Gabe w/a hefty splashing of Anarch (the usual, Datasuckers/Parasites x2 and 1 Medium for extra theft) and it's a blast.