Mwanza Gladiator Arena

Odonuvo 66

Football? Oh no, this is Blood Bowl baby. Only the strongest gladiators will survive what Mwanza's finest has to offer. We're less about sports and more about METAL here.

The goal: mulligan for Mwanza and throw it on R&D, pray that the runner lands Snare and Nightmare archives. It's not good but my God is it funny. People never expect the Jaguarundi to threaten Hypoxia, so if they don't see it you can get a fun surprise.

Since slots are hard, we use 2x gaslight in favor of having extra Mitosis. It can also be used to tutor Big Deal and score out the Salvo testing.

10 Dec 2023 holzpubbnsubbe

As an old Blood Bowl player and Fumbbl veteran, I approve of this deck and description!

Have you thought about Sprint to shuffle back the Snares?

10 Dec 2023 Odonuvo

Sprint might actually just work in the deck beyond the snares. The biggest issue I had with this deck wasn't accidentally drawing the snares but either getting all economy or not enough economy during any given game.

12 Dec 2023 Diogene