Downsizing HQ - Anarch Control / Hand Denial

LegalizeStimHack 81

Edward Kim is a place holder for the new ID that makes the corp start with bad pub. The idea of the deck is to quickly load up the corp with bad pub, then play your protesters and stack your hemorrhage. Use blackmail to get into remotes and use hemorrhage to make them dump the few cards they have into the trash. I went pumpable breakers because you can't afford to get shut out and miss tokens on your hemorrhage. I think it would be easy to get the corp to 4 or 5 bad pub with this set up, especially if they are Weyland and scoring hostiles already. SOT for the blackmails/Legwork as I would imagine agendas would end up in HQ, trash, or hastily thrown into a remote. Deja Vu is there to recur protesters or parasites. I would imagine Blue sun would be difficult for this deck as they can just OAI an ice to make blackmail more difficult which is even more reason to go with this breaker suite. Raymond Flint is there because if you get him out early while you are setting up giving bad pub you can snag an agenda out of HQ and for the expose for blackmail runs. Miss Tallie is there for scorched protection and giving bad pub. I feel like Inject was a good fit here since only 12/45 cards are programs and I need to get through the deck fast to get the corp loaded up on bad pub. In a pinch I can clone chip a breaker back out if gets injected into the heap. This is just a rough draft and proof of concept any suggestions are welcome.

30 Oct 2014 karmaportrait

Itinerant Protesters + Wanton Destruction

30 Oct 2014 LegalizeStimHack

Wanton Destruction looks pretty sick. That could definitely come in.

30 Oct 2014 Diegofsv

While a good idea, I'm not so sure that Valencia Estevez will have 15 influence. She's too strong to have 15 influence.

30 Oct 2014 x3r0h0ur

Wonton destruction is what happens when I go to my local chinese joint after drinking.

30 Oct 2014 karmaportrait

Shut it down, comment of the year.

31 Oct 2014 x3r0h0ur

The cheese is thick with that one.