"I'd say it's nothing personal..."

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Urziel 79


  • City Works / SSL for utility and low agenda density
  • Timely public release for yet another BC counter


  • Why you need assets? Ahh.. for cards and a bit of economic power - ok let's trim this down to say 3 cards - should be enough So where is my economy?
  • In operations of course! - Hedge / IPO - obvious but Oversight and Building blocks are fine as well!
  • Don't count on Orion - it's just another name for IPO (more less)

How to win:

  • keep credit pool high - for punitive or for your massive ICE rezzing Chiyashi vs turtle or a player without a sensible deck can result in a quick flatline
  • City Works + Punitive bait works like a charm! Just keep your credit pool high enough.
  • 2x SSL in archives + Punitive / Consulting visit is also a rather (un)pleasant surprise for our runner friends
  • Border control + massive in remote = pure gold - try to score Timely Public Release

How to deal with...

  • Crowdfunding - pray for some luck and hitting ark lockdown on 2 or 3 cards
  • ICE removal - Preemptive Action
  • Fisk - Preemptive Action - and just one Rashida in the deck
  • Power Tap / Sanctuary / Rogue Trading - bite the bullet and just try to keep as much cash as possible - Surveyor can be a liability in this match-up
  • Film Critic - Under the bus / with some luck Tithonium (or Orion with Tithonium rezzed)
  • Beth - Under the bus / with some luck Tithonium (or Orion with Tithonium rezzed)
  • Tag Me! archetype - High Profile Target
  • Net Mercur - just aim for his additional economy cards like Crowdfunding - your only option is to trash this after tag (good luck!) or hope for Tithonium (or Orion with Tithonium rezzed)
  • Employee strike - Scarcity (in worst case via consulting visit)
  • Agenda flood - with 7 agendas in the deck you should not face this problem but if you do please consider: 2 x SSL to archives - and either Preemptive or Punitive in the next round; naked City Works + 2 advances followed up by 2 x punitive; keep in mind that you can throw Film Critic under the bus once he hosts an agenda (Under the bus is " accessed at least 1 card" and he surely did that).

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