Stop Cheating

siowy 187

BIG ice. and NEXT ice.

12 cards to cheat out the BIG ones.

standard operation economy.

overwriter to threaten the runner when you IAA and they can break.

1 biotic cause biotic.

8 Sep 2014 iMarco
8 Sep 2014 Pinkwarrior

I would think to save a click and a cred it can mean the difference between doing something that turn and not. for instance return an agenda or Cerebral, install then advance you can't do that with reclamation.

Personally id take some of both 1 Reclamation and 2 Archived.

8 Sep 2014 siowy

Archived memories is mainly needed for(in approximate order of importance) cerebral overwriter, beta test agenda retrieval, biotic labor, BER/OAI and restructure. Archived memories is much better than reclamation order for the things you want to retrieve in this deck.

8 Sep 2014 x3r0h0ur

With the cheaty big ice in this deck, I'd run Ash, if they spend through the big ice, they won't be able to beat an ash. Also with Roto, Corporate troubleshooter seems like a good add. Melange also works great behind fatties, forcing the runner's hand.

8 Sep 2014 siowy

@x3r0h0ur: your instincts are good. i have also thought about all the cards you mentioned.

ash helps, but only against runners clicking through the 2.0 bioroids and wotan. if they fully break the ice with kati/event money, then ash is useless cause the second run is cheap/free. i tried to fit in ash, but i played overwriter over it.

melange is sometimes too slow against good runners who will happily just pound centrals while you melange, and inconsistent cause its easily trashable from rnd/hq.

troubleshooter only helps roto, and the deck is not that rich to take advantage.

overwriter is there to handle the later part of the game where the runner can break through the remote.