Reina Siphon 2.0

datadouble 7

Comments on changes from my earlier version (see the "derived from" link for the previous list):

-3 Cyberfeeder: These never seemed to make much difference, and their alternate role as protecting other cards from Power Shutdown was not as important with 3x of all core breakers, plus 2x Deja Vu's in the deck.

-1 Deja Vu: I never seemed to need more than one of these per game, and I was not very happy if I saw one early.

-3 Armitage Codebusting: These occupied a strange place, as they could jumpstart the econ when broke, but they did not pay off much. They weren't good late game, but they were also not amazing early game. Dirty Laundry does their job much better.

-3 Quality Time: While drawing five was great, paying 3 creds plus the influence hurt a lot. Early game you are better off drawing 3 with clicks instead of using 3 creds, and late game hopefully you won't need to see 5 new cards.

+3 Dirty Laundry: Probably the best early econ card for Reina since it gives a free run, forced corp to ice all servers, and gives you more possibilities to use the ID ability (+1 rez cost) in the newly installed ice.

+3 Liberated Account: These are useful before you transition to a Kati-based econ, but they remain useful after Kati appears if you need to put a Parasite while waiting for the Kati payout.

+2 Kati Jones: Since there is no possibility of playing Magnus Opus (not enough influence, not enough mem space), Kati Jones provides mid-to-late game econ.

+1 Special Order: Even as a singleton this provides some much needed consistency. I wish I could add in more, but removing an Account Siphon would harm early aggression too much. Keep in mind that they can find Knights as well as the core breakers.

+1 Crescenteus: Primarily useful to de-rez expensive bioroid ice, but sometimes it can also temporarily get rid of high strength sentries/code gates if you're low on Datasucker counters. If I had more influence I would go with Emergency Shutdown, but AS and Special Order are much more important.