Phishing 3rd at Montreal GNK 2024-03-26

Diogene 4539

I did two wins and one loss at Montreal GNK 2024-03-26, where I placed 3rd of 12.

  • Won game 1 vs Martin on 419 with Jeitinho.
  • Loss game 2 vs Andrej on Sebastião, where he had to go into the tank a bit but found the way to not be flatlined, it was epic.
  • Won game 3 vs Nicholas on Arissana with Juli Moreira Lee.

Game plan : Flatline the runner with Neurospike after scoring Reeducation.

Mulligan plan : you want ices.

Notable here is Piranhas that is really tough for runners in the early game and even propel you forward.

The Holo Man + Seamless Launch means we are very likely to find out fast advance piece and we can never advance the Reeducation.

Thanks to all the participants, it was a lot of fun.

Special thanks to Nick (Odonuvo) for organizing the event.
