Corp: Jinteki [Standard] - PE - Nope, Nope, Nope

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Ebesan 1



Mitosis is your strongest card, so try to spend a good number of clicks simply drawing for it, which will also deliver you good install targets with it. Still, you will have to manually install and double advance cards, to keep a steady flow of threats on the board. A good move can be to first throw out some probing cards like NGO Front to check how likely your opponent is to run double-advanced cards, but be aware that good players will vary/randomise their patterns.

Landing a Cerebral Overwriter makes the game much easier, so try a variety of ways of landing it, including manually advancing, Mitosis, and unadvanced tricks with Moon Pool to move counters at instant speed. Speaking of Moon Pool, it is a very strong card that wants to survive on the board undetected. Try to deter runs on it by also regularly installing unadvanced cards like Stings and Snares.

Generally you will find yourself scoring out in about half the games you win. Kills typically happen when the Runner tries to play aggressively and overextends to one of your hidden threats.

Difficulty (1 - 3):


Original Deck:

15 Oct 2022 gilesdavis

Why are you reposting someone else's list?

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